THERAPY? Reveal New Video "Poundland Of Hope And Glory"

Архив новостей | Русская версия

Following the release of the anthemic single "Joy", Northern Irish rock outfit, Therapy? drop their hard-hitting new track "Poundland Of Hope And Glory". Watch the video for it here. The track is taken from their new album, Hard Cold Fire, which is set for release May 5th 2023 via Marshall Records.

Therapy?’s latest opus drips with the confident and regal essence of alternative rock royalty, while simultaneously delivering a sharp and contemporary bite that leaves a lasting impression. The band use their unique sense of socio-political satire to shed light on the dangers of living in an era rife with misinformation. The lyrics are strewn with bleak imagery, serving as a poignant reminder of the pitfalls that await those who blindly accept the narratives fed to them.

“This track started out as a hard take on how people lose themselves in narratives to the point that the myth takes on greater importance than the fact,” vocalist / guitarist Andy Cairns exclaims. “Just like the old adage about the liar repeating the lie so much that they eventually believe it themselves, the culture around us is bursting with fairy stories we tell ourselves.”

“Metaphor and hagiography surround us, but in a post-truth world, the Walter Mitty character is no longer a harmless fantasist but an incendiary zealot using misinformation and chaos to achieve their goals.” Cairns continues adding, “It’s easy to smirk at middle class parents whose Harry Potter loving kids are sent to private school because of the Hogwarts style uniforms, and easy to eye roll at adults who actually play Quidditch, a fictional sport from a novel written for children, but it’s not so easy to stomach the less savoury reinvention of colonialism as a lost paradise to which we should return.”


Roman P-V - 2023-04-06 11:20:53

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