Monuments Announce Bassist Adam Swan’s Departure to Start a Career in Agriculture

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After roughly 13 years with the band, Monuments‘ long-time bassist Adam Swan is walking away from music altogether to focus on a new calling — regenerative agriculture.

According to a recent announcement from the band, Swan was inspired to begin work as a regenerative agriculture specialist during the COVID-19 pandemic. As you may remember, that time wasn’t particularly friendly to anyone looking to make a living in the music industry, so it makes sense Swan looked elsewhere for fulfillment.

The band said the split was amicable and that they wished Swan nothing but the best in his pursuits. 

“With a heavy heart, we must announce the departure of Adam Swan. Since day one, he has held down the roots of our music with fervor and expertise.

“During the Covid-19 pandemic, he became strongly involved with Soil Ecology Agriculture as a specialist in regenerative agriculture, which he has proudly committed himself to. It is in this position that he finds himself most comfortable, and we are so inspired by the journey he is on. With incredible passion, he is working to help all to make better, more informed decisions about how to heal the world through more sensible decisions.

“We wish him the best with all the love in our hearts, and we hope you will follow his journey on Soil Ecology Agriculture, both on Instagram and at Thank you for the tremendous grooves, memories, and friendship dear Swan. We love you and you will be thoroughly missed.

“On a brighter note, please join us in welcoming our new bass player, Werner Erkelens to the band! Since July 2022, Werner has been filling in on live performances with incredible skill, devotion, and enthusiasm. We are extremely proud to bring his new energy and skills into the future of Monuments. The addition of Werner to the group makes us feel rejuvenated and more excited than ever for the future. Come see us tear it up for the next 7 weeks with Leprous and Kalandra!”

With the addition of Werner Erkelens to fill in the vacancy left by Swan, Monuments said they are still on track to meet their touring obligations, as well as begin looking forward to the band’s future. The band has kicked off their European tour with Leprous and Kalandra today over in Gothenburg, Sweden. The seven-week excursion will come to an end on March 18 in Oslo, Norway. 

Roman P-V - 2023-02-07 11:00:50

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