Radiant are back with their second studio album Written By Life, due for release on April 22 via Massacre Records. New single and video for “Nightshift” is streaming here.
In life, there's often just a fine line between happiness, pain, sorrow and fulfillment, and our ups and downs have made us who we are today. This album tells the stories of Radiant's personal and musical adventures, milestones, and tragedies.
Written By Life is a concept album about the band members’ lives since they started playing music. Everyone in the band wrote down two-three personal stories for this album. They all wrote the songs together in the rehearsal room where they played, jammed, laughed, and had a few beers together.
This album is a big step forward for Radiant. The songwriting is diverse, the songs are very catchy, and the album is full of uplifting melodies, great instrumental work, and very personal stories as well as a powerful, dynamic, transparent, old-school and at the same time modern sound.
“Don’t Stop The Daydream”
“Real Passion Will Never Die”
“Live The Adventure”
“Stand That Fight”
“Because Of You”
“Rock And Win”
“Dare To Fail”
“Twice A Week”
“Hang Around With Friends”
(Source: www.bravewords.com)