THERAPY? Frontman ANDY CAIRNS Requires Two Full Knee Replacements

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Andy Cairns, the vocalist and guitarist for Northern Irish rock band Therapy? has updated fans about his current medical condition via the following post to social media:

“After standing on stages for over 35 years my knees started to feel the strain about four years ago. It turned out I’d no cartilage in either of them and would need two full knee replacements.

I’m pleased to say that I got the left one done yesterday. This will give me plenty of time to heal and write at home (alongside material from Michael & Neil) before hitting the festival stages in the summer. I’ll be getting the right one done sometime later in the year. On recent tours adrenaline could only get me so far so I’m looking forward to returning with renewed purpose. Huge thanks to all at Nuffield Clinic and the wonderful NHS for looking after me so well. I’m getting home at the weekend where weeks of rehab and physio will start. Scissor kicks hopefully back by July.”


Roman P-V - 2025-02-15 15:53:25

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