DØDHEIMSGARD Offshoot DOEDSMAGHIRD Announces Debut Album

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Doedsmaghird – the new project from Dødheimsgard mastermind Yusaf "Vicotnik" Parvez and guitarist Camille Giradeau – is slated to release their debut album Omniverse Consciousness on October 11 via Peaceville.

"A concept of universal awareness that transcends the present individual experience and connect the dots across multiple timelines and dimension," said Vicotnik of the record and project. "Consciousness is like nodes within a vast, interconnected web, where the black medium current serves a conduit for information exchange. Within this singularity, all path leads inward, and the concept of time ceases to exist.

"Every possible timeline, past and future converge into the enigmatic state of the omniverse consciousness. Palpable as a whispered secret, we present this intersection of experiences and outcomes. Symbolizing the unattainable potential that never was but is. This emergence through conflict and synergy shaped from the original entities involved. A transformation and innovation where two points in time merge into a point in the middle…"

So what should you expect from Doedsmaghird? Maybe a little less Black Medium Current and a little more alongside the lines of Dødheimsgard's older work like Satanic Art and 666 International. Check out a teaser here and pre-order Omniverse Consciousness right here.

1. Heart Of Hell
2. Sparker Inn Apne Dorer
3. Then, to Darkness Return
4. Endless Distance
5. Endeavour
6. Death Of Time
7. Min Tid Er Omme
8. Adrift Into Collapse
9. Requiem Transiens

Roman P-V - 2024-09-17 11:06:28

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