Richard Wright features in David Gilmour's new video for the title track of Luck And Strange

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David Gilmour is reunited with his old Pink Floyd colleague, late keyboard player Richard Wright, in the new video for the title track of Gilmour's brand new studio album Luck And Strange.

Gilmour released the new album, his fifth solo album over-all and first for nine years, last week and Wright features on electric piano and Hammond on the album's title track, from sessions originally recorded in 2007 at a jam in the barn at Gilmour’s house.

“I toured in 2006, and Rick asked if he could be in my band and I said ‘of course’,” Gilmour told Prog in issue 152 about the barn jam. “And when we finished that tour, in the January, I got together that touring band and said, “come down to the house and we’ll jam for a week in the barn”. What was going through my addled brain I don’t know – it was fucking freezing in that barn.

"Anyway, the first jam we did on the Monday morning was the one that became that song – I added a chorus and middle-eight, rebuilt the stuff on top with different chords. There’s bits where Rick’s playing a Hammond lick and I’ve put guitars on since and I’m playing with him, bouncing off his keyboards and it is a bit weird, but I’m not phased by that element of Rick being there at all at the moment. I just think: “ah, it’s Rick, it’s me, we’re playing”."

Gilmour recently announced two special rehearsal performances in Brighton offering fans an exclusive preview of his forthcoming live shows in Rome, London, Los Angeles, and New York, at the Brighton Centre on Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21.

The Luck And Strange tour kicks off in Rome at the Circus Maximus on September 27 and also includes shows at London's Royal Albert Hall in October, as well as further performances in Los Angeles and New York.

Gilmour recently surprised fans with an impromptu appearance at Hove's The Neptune Inn music pub, alongside his daughter Romany, who features on Luck And Strange. The pair performed the title track of Pink Floyd's 1975 album Wish You Were Here.


Roman P-V - 2024-09-14 11:35:45

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