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Reactivated San Francisco Bay Area thrash metal veterans FORBIDDEN have parted ways with guitarist Steve Smyth. Stepping in for Smyth as his temporary replacement for FORBIDDEN's next batch of European dates in August will be VOIVOD's Daniel Mongrain.

Steve said in a statement: "Hey everybody, I've said this before in my career, but all things do reach their end at some point. As hard as this is to write this, I've decided it's time to part ways with FORBIDDEN, and return to my band ONE MACHINE as priority, along with other projects on the horizon, and of course session work, and teaching music as always.

"FORBIDDEN was always a place I considered home, from the very first gig I played with the guys, the Thrash Of The Titans festival, back in 2001, touring across 2009/2010 with Russ [Anderson, vocals] and Mark [Hernandez, drums], writing and releasing the 'Omega Wave' album, the touring that followed 2010-2012, and the last year. It's a home I'll miss, but the memories will remain.

"ONE MACHINE is my own home that I've built myself, from before, and after my first stint with FORBIDDEN, from 2009-2012. We are preparing to release a new EP, with touring starting up in September across Europe.

"Prior to rejoining FORBIDDEN, I declared my intention to move between FORBIDDEN and ONE MACHINE, in between schedules. It now appears those schedules are conflicting.

"I'd like to thank YOU the fans for all of your support over the years! I couldn't do ANY of this without you! Craig [Locicero, guitar] and Matt [Camacho, bass] especially for welcoming me back to FORBIDDEN!

"To new additions Chris [Kontos, drums] and Norman [Skinner, vocals], Tim Healy, the crew, every promoter and agent, thank you for making the last year of music and travelling the world happen!

"I wish FORBIDDEN all the best for the future, and all it may bring!"

The remaining members of FORBIDDEN added in a separate statement: "We understand and accept Steve's decision to walk away for his own personal reasons and to finish what he started with ONE MACHINE.

"Steve had been by our side creating and playing music from the end of 2008-2012 and for the rebirth in 2023. He contributed much greatness along the way. We understand his situation better than most people possibly could.

"We all wish Steve the very best and success with ONE MACHINE. His Baby.

"Much love, respect and gratitude for the years Steve spent with FORBIDDEN will always endure.

"With Steve Smyth stepping away, FORBIDDEN intends on not missing a beat. Daniel Mongrain from VOIVOD will be stepping in for our next batch of European dates upcoming in August.

"Daniel is an astonishing & accomplished guitarist. His work in MARTYR & VOIVOD is otherworldly! We are very happy to have him aboard for these dates. Daniel will be a great addition for the gigs and we must thank the guys in VOIVOD for letting us borrow him.

"See you in Europe soon!"

Mongrain said: "It's a great honor for me to join FORBIDDEN this summer in Europe! As a fan from the early days, I'm grateful for the opportunity and will do my best to pay respect to all the amazing talented guitar player who played in the band, Glen Alvelais, Tim Calvert (RIP),and Steve Smyth. See you soon!"

The most recent FORBIDDEN lineup made its live debut at a "secret" show in July 2023 at Baltic Kiss in Richmond, California under the TWISTED INTO EVIL banner.


Roman P-V - 2024-07-09 09:45:56

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