Juha Jyrkäs Unveils Epic Folk Metal Album "Väinämöinen"

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Prepare to embark on a journey through ancient Finnish folklore as Juha Jyrkäs, a pioneer of Finnish folk metal, released his highly anticipated album "Väinämöinen" on February 29, 2024.

Inspired by Väinämöinen, a legendary figure in Finnish and Karelian mythology, the album delves deep into themes of self-reflection, human emotions, and the mystical realms of the occult. All lyrics are written in the traditional Finnic "Kalevala meter," reflecting the poetic tradition of the Finnish national epic, Kalevala.

Juha Jyrkäs, known for his work as a folk metal innovator and his contributions to bands like Korpiklaani, brings his unique blend of metal and traditional Finnish music to the forefront in "Väinämöinen." The album is a testament to Jyrkäs' mastery of the kantele, an ancient Finnish string instrument, as well as his skillful songwriting and storytelling.

For fans of bands like Moonsorrow, Manowar, and Bathory, "Väinämöinen" promises an immersive experience into the heart of Finnish folklore and metal.

Published by Italian label Earth And Sky Productions, "Väinämöinen" features a lineup of talented musicians, including:

Juha Jyrkäs: vocals, bass kantele, percussions
Olga Kolari: keyboards, various kanteles, violin, viola, jouhikko, concert harp
Henry Kolari: soundscapes
Janne Väätäinen: drums
Antti Röksä: guitar solo on "Äidinmaan puolustus" and "Metallikantele"

1. Voima nousee 02:20
2. Syntysanat 04:27
3. Jo veri jokena juoksi 02:25
4. Helkatulet 04:01
5. Ukkosloitsu 04:04
6. Äidinmaan puolustus 04:53
7. Kultapyärä 01:48
8. Metallikantele 12:45

Experience the power of Finnish folk metal with "Väinämöinen" as Juha Jyrkäs invites listeners to immerse themselves in the timeless tales of ancient Finland.

Roman P-V - 2024-04-29 08:45:10

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