Mankind has always been fascinated by extraterrestrial danger, just think of "War of the Worlds", "The Body Snatchers Are Coming" or "Alien". But the real danger comes from goats from the planet GoatEborg! The inventors of the Goatgrind return to remind humanity that it is in a permanent state of subjugation.The fact that Milking The Goatmachine musically shaves the fan razor-sharp with this “convulsing concept album about nonsense” is made clear by the symbolic title "Neue Platte" and the matching cover artwork ("Platte" referring to a vinyl record as well as to baldness in German).
The goats latest work "Neue Platte" will be released on 18 August 2023 via Reaper Entertainment. The band will play a release show as part of this year's Summer Breeze Open-Air.
Today the band presents the second digital single "Iss'n Köttel, Mach'n Köttel". You can check out the lyric video here.
The band comments: "'I'ssn Köttel, Mach'n Köttel' is probably one of the most poetic songs of our career, describing the cycle of life and perfectly managing the balancing act between profundity and scope for interpretation."
1. The Squeal Session
2. Feed Me; Milk Me; Comb Me
3. Children of the Horn
4. Extreme Wolves Terror
5. The Wrong One to Milk With
6. In Battle There Is No Straw
7. Boots Bloody Boots
8. Twilight of the Thundergoat
9. Funky Funeral
10. Iss'n Köttel, mach'n Köttel
11. Napalm Grass
12. Kraut im Bart und Quark im Fell
13. Careless Whisper