
Musical Feast, both Delicious and Unforgettable


Архив интервью | Русская версия

It’s already the second band from India we are having in our Interviews section this year. But make no mistake: this is not due to geopolitical reasons only. They do play a part, but if you follow Western music media, you are sure to notice that they have also started featuring bands from this country, that until recently was a complete terra incognita on the metal map. Arogya have intriguing looks and an unusual sound, and what’s more important, our Russian readers will soon have an opportunity to see them live: if everything works this time, they should be doing a full tour of Russia with Angel Khranitel in September. Meanwhile, here are the answers that the band has given collectively to our questions.

As a rule, India is associated with colorful dresses, Bollywood and dances, however your looks and music style are different from these stereotypes. Why did you choose such musical direction?

Our lives in India has been nothing short of vibrant and diverse, with its kaleidoscope of cultures. While Bollywood may reign supreme in the realm of music and dance, our hearts have found solace in the raw emotion and intensity of rock and metal. Inspired by Visual Kei, Goth fashion and shock rock, we believe in the power of individuality to captivate the audience's imagination. The primary goal of Arogya was to stand out both visually and sonically from other bands. We thrive on uniqueness and that's what inspired us to blend different cultures together in both our sounds and our looks. Our attire style goes hand in hand with our dark gothic rock music genre, creating a darker ambience with melancholic lyrics filled with mysticism as a whole.

Is heavy music a common or rare thing in India?

As we mentioned, India boasts an incredibly diverse cultural landscape, where you'll encounter a plethora of musical genres, from extreme metal to power metal, thrash to hip hop, lo-fi to indie pop, jazz to blues to fusion, classical, and everything in between.
While heavy, extreme, hardcore, and experimental metal bands have always thrived underground, the advent of the internet has sparked a resurgence, shining a spotlight on these previously overlooked talents. Heavy metal, while not widespread, still has a niche audience.

How would you describe your music?

We'd describe our music as a thrilling fusion of gothic metal with a vibrant twist of visual kei aesthetics. It's a journey into the depths of darkness, where haunting melodies intertwine with powerful rhythms and melancholic lyrics to create an immersive experience. Our sound is a unique blend of atmospheric ambience and raw emotion, drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of both gothic and visual kei traditions. It's a sonic exploration of the shadows within, punctuated by striking visuals that invite listeners into our world of intrigue and mystique. Our music deals with love, pain, the spiritual, the transience and the effort to escape the inner demons, as does life as such. In our hearts, we yearn for our audience to travel alongside us into the depths of emotions through our songs, to feel the ethereal connections that bind us as fellow travellers on this cosmic journey called life.

Are there any musicians you look up to?

Absolutely! We're inspired by the wild vibes of Marilyn Manson, the soul-stirring melodies of HIM, Rammstein, Depeche Mode, In Flames, Ghost and the captivating performances of Dir En Grey and The Gazette! However we recognize that true innovation comes from infusing our own unique flavor into the mix. We're like culinary maestros in the studio kitchen, blending influences like seasoned ingredients to cook up a musical feast that's both delicious and unforgettable!

Arogya is translated as “healer” from Sanskrit. What does it mean to you? What meaning did you put into this word?

“Arogya” holds a significant meaning for us as a band. Inspired by its Sanskrit translation as “healer,” it encapsulates our collective vision of music as a powerful medium to evoke emotions, provoke thought and provide solace to our listeners. “Arogya” represents not only our musical identity but also our commitment to using our art to heal, inspire and connect with others on a profound level. On dark days in one’s life’s journey, we wish that in our music is where you would find a ray of hope, the glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

What inspired you to create your looks?

Our creative vision was brought to life by combining gothic and visual kei aesthetics with the intricate patterns of Arunachal's (Northeast India) tribal clothing, resulting in a captivating fusion. With the invaluable contribution of our renown international costume designer, Ms. Yana Nagoba showcasing the influences and culture of Northeast India through our costumes, and the dedicated efforts of our manager Janice to source for gothic /visual kei elements in our attire, it results in a unique merging of elements. Inspired by a desire to innovate and break new ground in our nation's artistic landscape, we sought to craft a look that was both uniquely original and culturally resonant while creating something unprecedented within our cultural context.

Each of you has a unique extraordinary look. Is it a general concept of your band, or does each “mask” have its own meaning?

For us, every aspect of our appearance serves a purpose. We believe that donning masks and face paint allows us to adopt a new identity, one that transcends the limitations of age and time. While the idea of immortality may be a playful jest, our intention is to create an exciting mysterious vibe which not only sonically but also visually impacts the audience with our stage presence. Our individual styles and personas contribute to this overarching concept, symbolizing the diverse facets of our band's identity and the multifaceted nature of our artistic expression. Through our presentations, we embark on journeys through the stories of our songs to create a captivating spectacle that enchants all who witness it.

What songs would you recommend to start with to a person who has just discovered your music?

We would highly recommend starting with our tracks “Dark World,” “Desire,” and “Supernatural.” These songs encapsulate the essence of our musical style and thematic elements, providing a comprehensive introduction to our sound. Each track offers a unique sonic experience while showcasing the depth and range of our artistic expression. We believe that these songs would serve as an engaging entry point for someone newly discovering our music, offering a glimpse into the diverse facets of our creative journey.

You’re going on a Russian tour for the first time. How does this feel?

Oh yes, it's an exhilarating feeling, but also a bit bittersweet as it's been postponed for the second time. It's disheartening that we're facing unforeseen challenges, but such is the nature of the journey. We thrive on the opportunity to share our music with new audiences, connect with fans, and immerse ourselves in different cultures. Despite the setbacks, we're immensely grateful to Daniil Korovaynyy and the Angel Khranitel band for approaching us with this opportunity. It's a testament to the resilience of the music community and the bonds that unite us across borders!

Have you ever been to Russia before? Maybe as tourists.

Only our manager Janice Teh from Singapore has toured Russia and told us of the many wonderful things including the northern lights sightings there! The rest of the band in India can only imagine it and hope to be there soon!

Is there something you’d like to see or try in Russia?

Ah, Russian vodka… haha! While we're certainly intrigued by the renowned spirit, our curiosity extends far beyond just libations. We're eager to dive into the rich tapestry of Russian culture, from sampling traditional cuisine to delving into the country's fascinating history, viewing the Moscow Kremlin and also the vibrant arts scene. With so much to see and do, we're especially thrilled about immersing ourselves in the local music scene and connecting with fans in this new and exciting environment. It promises to be an adventure brimming with unforgettable experiences and exciting discoveries.

You have a joint tour with Angel Khranitel. Have you had a chance to get to know their music?

It's truly a fantastic opportunity to tour alongside Angel Khranitel, especially given their captivating genre of fantasy rock. We're genuinely excited about the prospect of sharing our music together on this joint tour. Fingers crossed for an unforgettable experience! As for getting acquainted with their music, we've had the pleasure of listening to some of their tracks, and we're completely hooked. Songs like “Witch Doctor,” “Gokstad Ship,” and “Dead Tabor” have left us thoroughly impressed and eager to share the stage with such talented artists!

You are “healers”, they are “guardians”. You can instantly feel special atmosphere and mystery going on. Can we hope for a collab song?

With us as “healers” and them as “guardians,” there's an intriguing dynamic at play that instantly sets a special atmosphere tinged with mystery. In fact we have a surprise in store! We are remaking a super Russian hit song with one of Angel Khranitel’s vocalists lending his powerful vocal as a collab! Wait for it on our upcoming Russia tour!

What should people who come to your concerts expect from your joint tour?

If you're coming to our joint tour with Angel Khranitel, get ready for an incredible experience! Picture this: a blend of mesmerizing melodies, electrifying performances, and an atmosphere charged with excitement. With both of our energies combined, it's going to be an unforgettable ride! Expect to be swept away into a world where music takes center stage, where every moment is filled with magic and wonder. So, buckle up and get ready for an epic adventure at our concerts. We can't wait to share this journey with you!

Arogya on the Internet:

Special thanks to Daniil Korovayny (Crop Arena venue network) for arranging this interview

Interview by Angelina Wolzogen
Photos used courtesy of Arogya
May 2024

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